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Klein Infiltration TDD Pump (KTDD)
Klein Infiltration TDD Pump (KTDD) for Tumescent Local Anesthesia Delivery
The Klein Infiltration TDD Pump (KTDD) is the 4th generation Infiltration Pump - a Tumescent Delivery Device designed by Dr. Jeffrey Klein for both intradermal and subcutaneous local anesthesia delivery now also referred to as Tumescent Epinephrine Lidocaine (TEL).
This new Klein Pump uses a digital, stepper motor for the following:
- Precision non-surgical intralesional cutaneous and subcutaneous therapeutic injections using hypodermic needles as small as 32 gauge.
- Pure sensory regional anesthesia for doing surgery totally by large volume tumescent local anesthesia using large-bore, blunt-tipped tumescent infiltration cannulas.
- Precision irrigation with low or high fluid flow rates.
With these expanded capabilities, the Klein TDD Pump supports the following procedures, plus more:
- Tumescent Liposuction
- Cosmetic Surgery
- Plastic Surgery
- Various Dermatologic Procedures
- Vascular Surgery (Endovenous Vein Ablation and Phlebectomy)
- Subdermal, Facial Procedures
- Breast Procedures
- Fat Harvesting / Fat Grafting for Fat Transfer / Fat Reinjections
- Burn Surgery (Skin Grafting / Skin Harvesting)
- Hair Transplant
- Cellulite Treatment
- Hyperhydrosis
- And more...
Using a Klein Pump for a procedure not listed? Contact Us to share your abstract or technique with Dr. Jeffrey Klein.
Included with the Klein TDD Pump:
- Power source
- HK Single Spike Infiltration Tubing (ITS, 1 piece)
- One (1) pneumatic foot switch
- Option for additional HK Foot Pedal (for purchase)
Klein Infiltration Tubing is recommended for the performance, longevity, and warranty of the pump.

Klein Infiltration TDD Pump (KTDD)
Klein Infiltration TDD Pump (KTDD) for Tumescent Local Anesthesia Delivery
The Klein Infiltration TDD Pump (KTDD) is the 4th generation Infiltration Pump - a Tumescent Delivery Device designed by Dr. Jeffrey Klein for both intradermal and subcutaneous local anesthesia delivery now also referred to as Tumescent Epinephrine Lidocaine (TEL).
This new Klein Pump uses a digital, stepper motor for the following:
- Precision non-surgical intralesional cutaneous and subcutaneous therapeutic injections using hypodermic needles as small as 32 gauge.
- Pure sensory regional anesthesia for doing surgery totally by large volume tumescent local anesthesia using large-bore, blunt-tipped tumescent infiltration cannulas.
- Precision irrigation with low or high fluid flow rates.
With these expanded capabilities, the Klein TDD Pump supports the following procedures, plus more:
- Tumescent Liposuction
- Cosmetic Surgery
- Plastic Surgery
- Various Dermatologic Procedures
- Vascular Surgery (Endovenous Vein Ablation and Phlebectomy)
- Subdermal, Facial Procedures
- Breast Procedures
- Fat Harvesting / Fat Grafting for Fat Transfer / Fat Reinjections
- Burn Surgery (Skin Grafting / Skin Harvesting)
- Hair Transplant
- Cellulite Treatment
- Hyperhydrosis
- And more...
Using a Klein Pump for a procedure not listed? Contact Us to share your abstract or technique with Dr. Jeffrey Klein.
Included with the Klein TDD Pump:
- Power source
- HK Single Spike Infiltration Tubing (ITS, 1 piece)
- One (1) pneumatic foot switch
- Option for additional HK Foot Pedal (for purchase)
Klein Infiltration Tubing is recommended for the performance, longevity, and warranty of the pump.

HK Klein Infiltration Pump (KIP-II)
HK Surgical is the home of the Original Klein Pump developed by Dr. Jeffrey Klein, used for the delivery of Tumescent Local Anesthesia (TLA), originally in Tumescent Liposuction procedures.
Since its original creation, the use of the Klein Pump has expanded and now supports the following procedures:
- Tumescent Liposuction
- Cosmetic Surgery / Plastic Surgery
- Vascular Surgery (Vein Ablation and Phlebectomy)
- Subdermal, Facial Procedures
- Fat Harvesting
- Burns and Wounds (Skin Grafting)
Using a Klein Pump for a procedure not listed? Contact Us to share your abstract or technique with Dr. Jeffrey Klein.
The HK Klein Infiltration Pump is the 2nd generation of the Klein Pump collection, specifically designed to expedite the delivery (infiltration) of tumescent anesthesia and is the preferred standard of care over manual infiltration techniques. With the touch of a foot pedal, the Klein Pump delivers high volumes of TLA at the selected rate, therefore reducing infiltration and procedure time while maximizing patient and clinician comfort.
Included with the Klein Infiltration Pump (KIP-II):
- Power cord
- HK Single Spike Infiltration Tubing (ITS, 1 piece)
- One (1) pneumatic foot switch
- Option for additional foot pedal (for purchase)
Klein Infiltration Tubing is recommended for the performance, longevity, and warranty of the pump.
Klein Pump Set-up Video
Klein Pump Troubleshooting Video

HK Klein Infiltration Pump (KIP-II)
HK Surgical is the home of the Original Klein Pump developed by Dr. Jeffrey Klein, used for the delivery of Tumescent Local Anesthesia (TLA), originally in Tumescent Liposuction procedures.
Since its original creation, the use of the Klein Pump has expanded and now supports the following procedures:
- Tumescent Liposuction
- Cosmetic Surgery / Plastic Surgery
- Vascular Surgery (Vein Ablation and Phlebectomy)
- Subdermal, Facial Procedures
- Fat Harvesting
- Burns and Wounds (Skin Grafting)
Using a Klein Pump for a procedure not listed? Contact Us to share your abstract or technique with Dr. Jeffrey Klein.
The HK Klein Infiltration Pump is the 2nd generation of the Klein Pump collection, specifically designed to expedite the delivery (infiltration) of tumescent anesthesia and is the preferred standard of care over manual infiltration techniques. With the touch of a foot pedal, the Klein Pump delivers high volumes of TLA at the selected rate, therefore reducing infiltration and procedure time while maximizing patient and clinician comfort.
Included with the Klein Infiltration Pump (KIP-II):
- Power cord
- HK Single Spike Infiltration Tubing (ITS, 1 piece)
- One (1) pneumatic foot switch
- Option for additional foot pedal (for purchase)
Klein Infiltration Tubing is recommended for the performance, longevity, and warranty of the pump.
Klein Pump Set-up Video
Klein Pump Troubleshooting Video

HK CV Single Spike Infiltration Tubing
HK CV Single Spike Infiltration Tubing (Klein Tubing Set) is a tubing specifically designed by HK Surgical for doctors performing vein ablation procedures. The HK luer lock eliminates residual dripping and bubbles in the tube for a clearer view on the ultrasound. The clamp above the luer lock allows the clinician to clamp off the tubing when not in use.
The silicone sleeve of the Klein CVT Tubing is specifically fitted for the pump head of all Klein Infiltration Pumps.
Currently on backorder - expected availability TBD.

HK CV Single Spike Infiltration Tubing
HK CV Single Spike Infiltration Tubing (Klein Tubing Set) is a tubing specifically designed by HK Surgical for doctors performing vein ablation procedures. The HK luer lock eliminates residual dripping and bubbles in the tube for a clearer view on the ultrasound. The clamp above the luer lock allows the clinician to clamp off the tubing when not in use.
The silicone sleeve of the Klein CVT Tubing is specifically fitted for the pump head of all Klein Infiltration Pumps.
Currently on backorder - expected availability TBD.

HK Aspirator
The HK Surgical Aspirator offers superior, high-speed, power-suction performance for suction-assisted liposuction and other cosmetic surgery procedures. This Aspiration Pump (suction pump) is known throughout the industry for its long-term reliability and ease of use. The HK Surgical Aspirator is designed for powerful performance with minimal noise. It can accommodate up to four (4) Baxter Canisters or two (2) Abbott™ / Sorenson™ Canisters, eliminating time-consuming canister changes.
• 115/120 Voltage
• 230/240 Voltage - Please contact us for pricing and detailed information
The HK Aspirator includes the following:
• Aspirator Pole (1)
• Foot Pedals (2)
• Canister Ring Holders (2)
• Delrin Ring Adapters (2)
• Canister Bracket Spacer (1)
• Aspiration Filter (1)
• Baxter Canister (1)
• Baxter Liner (1) •
• HK Aspiration Tubing (1)

HK Aspirator
The HK Surgical Aspirator offers superior, high-speed, power-suction performance for suction-assisted liposuction and other cosmetic surgery procedures. This Aspiration Pump (suction pump) is known throughout the industry for its long-term reliability and ease of use. The HK Surgical Aspirator is designed for powerful performance with minimal noise. It can accommodate up to four (4) Baxter Canisters or two (2) Abbott™ / Sorenson™ Canisters, eliminating time-consuming canister changes.
• 115/120 Voltage
• 230/240 Voltage - Please contact us for pricing and detailed information
The HK Aspirator includes the following:
• Aspirator Pole (1)
• Foot Pedals (2)
• Canister Ring Holders (2)
• Delrin Ring Adapters (2)
• Canister Bracket Spacer (1)
• Aspiration Filter (1)
• Baxter Canister (1)
• Baxter Liner (1) •
• HK Aspiration Tubing (1)

HK Super Absorbent Pads
The HK Super Absorbent Pad (US Patent No. 6,162,960) completely absorbs the copious tumescent drainage and other post-surgical leakage, improving patient comfort and hygiene. Fluid is held securely in the pad, preventing it from transferring through to the patient’s garment.
Open Drainage and Bimodal Compression by Jeffrey A. Klein, MD
- A large HK Pad can absorb more than 1,000 ml of fluid without leaking.
- Provides a dry surface against the patient's skin.
- HK Pads can be replaced as needed.
An additional function of the HK Super Absorbent Pad is to add uniform compression which narrows the gaps between interstitial collagen bundles in the dermis that prevent red blood cells from moving toward the skin surface, where they would appear as a bruise.
- PD-XS (12” x 4.75” – 30cm x 12cm)
- PD-S (12” x 9.5” – 30cm x 24cm)
- PD-M (12” x 15.75” – 30cm x 40cm)
- PD-L (12” x 19.5” – 30cm x 50cm
- PD-XL (12” x 31” – 30cm x 79cm)
Available in cases of 48.

HK Super Absorbent Pads
The HK Super Absorbent Pad (US Patent No. 6,162,960) completely absorbs the copious tumescent drainage and other post-surgical leakage, improving patient comfort and hygiene. Fluid is held securely in the pad, preventing it from transferring through to the patient’s garment.
Open Drainage and Bimodal Compression by Jeffrey A. Klein, MD
- A large HK Pad can absorb more than 1,000 ml of fluid without leaking.
- Provides a dry surface against the patient's skin.
- HK Pads can be replaced as needed.
An additional function of the HK Super Absorbent Pad is to add uniform compression which narrows the gaps between interstitial collagen bundles in the dermis that prevent red blood cells from moving toward the skin surface, where they would appear as a bruise.
- PD-XS (12” x 4.75” – 30cm x 12cm)
- PD-S (12” x 9.5” – 30cm x 24cm)
- PD-M (12” x 15.75” – 30cm x 40cm)
- PD-L (12” x 19.5” – 30cm x 50cm
- PD-XL (12” x 31” – 30cm x 79cm)
Available in cases of 48.

HK Surgical Absorbent OR Table Sheets
HK Surgical Absorbent OR Table Sheets are pads intended for keeping patients dry during surgery. These table sheets eliminate the annoying and time-consuming process of having to change the pads from under the patient during surgery. Tumescent anesthesia and bodily fluids wick away into the pad, keeping the surface dry for the patient. Typically, only one table sheet per surgery needed.
HK Surgical OR Table Sheets are available in 2 sizes to meet all your OR table needs. Sterile OR sheets are also available if preferred. (SPD-OR3171).
Available in cases of 20.

HK Surgical Absorbent OR Table Sheets
HK Surgical Absorbent OR Table Sheets are pads intended for keeping patients dry during surgery. These table sheets eliminate the annoying and time-consuming process of having to change the pads from under the patient during surgery. Tumescent anesthesia and bodily fluids wick away into the pad, keeping the surface dry for the patient. Typically, only one table sheet per surgery needed.
HK Surgical OR Table Sheets are available in 2 sizes to meet all your OR table needs. Sterile OR sheets are also available if preferred. (SPD-OR3171).
Available in cases of 20.

HK Infiltration Cannulas
The HK Infiltration cannulas come in ten different length and gauge combinations. The body of the cannula has perforations in a spiral pattern. This cannula has a luer lock fitting and may be attached to an infiltration handle, or connected directly to Klein Infiltration Tubing.

HK Infiltration Cannulas
The HK Infiltration cannulas come in ten different length and gauge combinations. The body of the cannula has perforations in a spiral pattern. This cannula has a luer lock fitting and may be attached to an infiltration handle, or connected directly to Klein Infiltration Tubing.

HK Monty Infiltration Cannula
HK Monty Cannulas are innovative tumescent infiltration cannulas that dramatically improve the technique and speed of the infiltration process and delivery of tumescent local anesthesia.
There are 3 types of Monty Cannulas:
Full Monty – has holes along the entire distal (90% of the cannula length)
Half Monty – has holes along the half the distal (50% of the cannula length)
Tip Monty – has holes at top of the distal (20% of the cannula length)
Cannulas Sizes/Lengths:
- 14 gauge - 8”, 20cm
- 16 gauge - 6”, 15cm
- 18 gauge - 6”, 15cm
Monty Infiltration Set Options (Choose gauge – 14, 16, or 18)
- Full Monty (2)
- Half Monty (2)
- Tip Monty (1)
Using Monty Cannulas can not only decrease the infiltration time but can lessen the discomfort the patient experiences with other techniques.
Learn More:
Monty Cannula TechniqueInfiltration Cannulas
The process is initiated by using a 20-gauge spinal needle to infiltrate a single path along a deep plane within subcutaneous fat deposits. Once an initial path is anesthetized, either a Half Monty or a Full Monty cannula can be painlessly inserted along the path. Tumescent infiltration spanning the entire length of the path is accomplished with the Monty Cannula remaining in a stationary position, while an HK Klein Pump is used to provide a rapid continuous flow of Tumescent Local Anesthesia (Klein solution). After the tissue adjacent to the infiltrated path is sufficiently tumescent, the Monty Infiltrator is withdrawn and reinserted beside a bordering partially anesthetized path, and tumescent infiltration is restarted. This process is repeated in both deep and superficial planes until the entire area is tumescent. The Tip Monty is used in the last stage of the infiltration process to ensure both planes are sufficiently anesthetized. When HK Surgical’s 2X Infiltration Tubing is used together with two Monty Infiltrators, the time required for tumescent infiltration can be reduced by 25-50%.

HK Monty Infiltration Cannula
HK Monty Cannulas are innovative tumescent infiltration cannulas that dramatically improve the technique and speed of the infiltration process and delivery of tumescent local anesthesia.
There are 3 types of Monty Cannulas:
Full Monty – has holes along the entire distal (90% of the cannula length)
Half Monty – has holes along the half the distal (50% of the cannula length)
Tip Monty – has holes at top of the distal (20% of the cannula length)
Cannulas Sizes/Lengths:
- 14 gauge - 8”, 20cm
- 16 gauge - 6”, 15cm
- 18 gauge - 6”, 15cm
Monty Infiltration Set Options (Choose gauge – 14, 16, or 18)
- Full Monty (2)
- Half Monty (2)
- Tip Monty (1)
Using Monty Cannulas can not only decrease the infiltration time but can lessen the discomfort the patient experiences with other techniques.
Learn More:
Monty Cannula TechniqueInfiltration Cannulas
The process is initiated by using a 20-gauge spinal needle to infiltrate a single path along a deep plane within subcutaneous fat deposits. Once an initial path is anesthetized, either a Half Monty or a Full Monty cannula can be painlessly inserted along the path. Tumescent infiltration spanning the entire length of the path is accomplished with the Monty Cannula remaining in a stationary position, while an HK Klein Pump is used to provide a rapid continuous flow of Tumescent Local Anesthesia (Klein solution). After the tissue adjacent to the infiltrated path is sufficiently tumescent, the Monty Infiltrator is withdrawn and reinserted beside a bordering partially anesthetized path, and tumescent infiltration is restarted. This process is repeated in both deep and superficial planes until the entire area is tumescent. The Tip Monty is used in the last stage of the infiltration process to ensure both planes are sufficiently anesthetized. When HK Surgical’s 2X Infiltration Tubing is used together with two Monty Infiltrators, the time required for tumescent infiltration can be reduced by 25-50%.

HK Midine™ Positioning Pillow
The Thigh Midine™ is a wedge-shaped, surgical positioning pillow that helps approximate the ideal, anatomic position with the patient in the lateral decubitus position.
- Of all areas treated by liposuction, the thigh is probably the most vulnerable to poor intraoperative positioning.
- Awkward positioning of the patient during liposuction increases the risk of cosmetic unsightly defects and irregularities.
- They facilitate superior aesthetic results for liposuction by allowing the surgeon to confidently remove enough fat to achieve significant improvement, while minimizing the risk of excessive fat extraction.
- Prevents liposuction defects
- Reduces risk of excessive liposuction that can cause indentations
- Helps to position & maintain the targeted thigh area in the ideal anatomic position during surgery
- Maximizes patient comfort during surgery
- Reduces touch-up, revision surgeries
- Happy Patients = More Referrals
In the lateral decubitus position the Midine™ minimizes the pseudobulge by abducting the upper-most thigh. In fact, the trochanteric pseudobulge can be completely eliminated by using the Midine™ and also rotating the femur anteriorly and medially and pointing the toes of that foot in a “pigeon-toed” fashion. This maneuver causes the trochanteric tubercle to be displaced anteriorly, and medially. By using the Thigh Midine™ in this fashion, the surgeon can reduce the risk of creating a trochanteric depression due to excessive liposuction.
When using the Thigh Midine™, the patient should be in the lateral decubitus position, with both legs straight. Lifting the uppermost thigh, the Midine™ is placed between the thighs as illustrated. Two-inch wide paper tape may be used to secure the Midine™ to the surgical table and prevent it from sliding. A cloth towel placed over the top of the Midine™ provides additional comfort for the patient’s thigh and leg.
(Pillows now come in a sleek, black color. Sterile covers no longer available.)

HK Midine™ Positioning Pillow
The Thigh Midine™ is a wedge-shaped, surgical positioning pillow that helps approximate the ideal, anatomic position with the patient in the lateral decubitus position.
- Of all areas treated by liposuction, the thigh is probably the most vulnerable to poor intraoperative positioning.
- Awkward positioning of the patient during liposuction increases the risk of cosmetic unsightly defects and irregularities.
- They facilitate superior aesthetic results for liposuction by allowing the surgeon to confidently remove enough fat to achieve significant improvement, while minimizing the risk of excessive fat extraction.
- Prevents liposuction defects
- Reduces risk of excessive liposuction that can cause indentations
- Helps to position & maintain the targeted thigh area in the ideal anatomic position during surgery
- Maximizes patient comfort during surgery
- Reduces touch-up, revision surgeries
- Happy Patients = More Referrals
In the lateral decubitus position the Midine™ minimizes the pseudobulge by abducting the upper-most thigh. In fact, the trochanteric pseudobulge can be completely eliminated by using the Midine™ and also rotating the femur anteriorly and medially and pointing the toes of that foot in a “pigeon-toed” fashion. This maneuver causes the trochanteric tubercle to be displaced anteriorly, and medially. By using the Thigh Midine™ in this fashion, the surgeon can reduce the risk of creating a trochanteric depression due to excessive liposuction.
When using the Thigh Midine™, the patient should be in the lateral decubitus position, with both legs straight. Lifting the uppermost thigh, the Midine™ is placed between the thighs as illustrated. Two-inch wide paper tape may be used to secure the Midine™ to the surgical table and prevent it from sliding. A cloth towel placed over the top of the Midine™ provides additional comfort for the patient’s thigh and leg.
(Pillows now come in a sleek, black color. Sterile covers no longer available.)